Dr. Anna Cryns-Moll, LL.M.

Maîtrise en droit
Attorney at Law – Partner

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Anna Cryns-Moll studied law at Cologne University and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne within the framework of completion of the German-French masters degree (LL.M./maîtrise en droit). After having accomplished the first state exam in law she worked as a research associate at the Institute for tax law at Cologne University, completing her doctorate with honors in 2010.

While performing her legal clerkship she also stayed abroad, in Singapore and New York. After finishing the legal clerkship and being admitted to the bar, she worked as an attorney at law with the law firm of Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner from 2012 on.

In 2016 she co-founded the law firm Fiedler Cryns-Moll FCM Attorneys Partnership.

Activities and Main Focus

Dr. Anna Cryns-Moll has experience of several years in counseling and representing managers and insurance companies in D&O claims cases and other insurance segments.

Languages: German, English, French



Fon: +49 221 50086-0
Fax: +49 221 50086-10
Mobil: +49 172 4991126

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 17-21
50672 Köln


Weniger Freiheiten für Insolvenzverwalter (Less freedom for insolvency administrators), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Online-Gründung bringt nur begrenzten Nutzen (Process of online incorporation only brings limited benefits), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Verbandssanktionengesetz honoriert Compliance (Corporation Sanctions Act rewards compliance), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Betriebsunterbrechung: Auf den Einzelfall kommt es an (Operational interruption: the individual circumstances are decisive), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Chancen und Risiken der virtuellen Hauptversammlung (Chances and risks of the virtual shareholders‘ meeting), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Bannen neue Insolvenzregeln Haftungsrisiken für Geschäftsleiter? (Are risks of managing director liability banished by new insolvency rules?), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Zusammenspiel von Cyber- und Vertrauensschadenversicherung (Interaction of Cyber and Commercial Crime Insurance), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Cyber als Haftungsgefahr für Geschäftsleiter? (Cyber as liability risk for managing directors?), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Cyber: Klarstellung bei Lösegeldversicherung nötig (Cyber: Clarification needed for ransom insurances), Versicherungsmonitor 2020

Das Damoklesschwert „Silent-Cyber“ (The sword of Damocles „Silent-Cyber“), Versicherungsmonitor 2019

Die Verschärfung der Steuerberaterhaftung (The tightening of tax advisor liability), Versicherungsmonitor 2019

Die Musterfeststellungsklage – nur ein stumpfes Schwert? (The model declaratory action – only a blunt sword?), Versicherungsmonitor 2019

Gesellschafterfremdfinanzierung in Frankreich und Zinsschranke – ein Rechtsvergleich (Shareholder loans in France and interest barrier – a legal comparison), doctoral thesis, 2011



Deutsch-Französische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (DFJ) (German-French legal association)

Juristen des deutschen und französischen Rechts e.V. (Association of lawyers of German and French law)

DFM Alumni e.V. (Alumni association of the German-French masters degree at Cologne University and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)